Fortune magazin on the book Business as art of living written by professor Mica Jovanovic 

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Fortune magazin on the book Business as art of living written by professor Mica Jovanovic
Trenutno na sajtu: 430       |       Podeli:
25.12.2008 | 0 коментар(а)

Fortune magazin on the book Business as art of living written by professor Mica Jovanovic

After succesful presentation at Megatrend International Expert Consortium Limited, which was held at Kensington High Street on the 3rd of December 2008 English version of the book Business as Art of Living was reviewed by the Fortune magazine with a lot of positive critics.
There are business textbooks to make you rich, there are lifestyle books to make you happy, and there are autobiographies to make you envious of those who are one or the other. It is rare to come across an author such as Professor Mica Jovanovic de Bozinoff, Rector of Belgrades Megatrend University, whose personal breadth of experience gives him the confidence to combine all three formulas in a single work in this case the appropriately entitled Business as Art of Living.


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